Obsession 18: Childhood

This isn’t quite an obsession however I have been thinking a lot about it recently. I have a four year old brother, and yes we have the same parents. I have been involved very much in his life and I have loved watching him grow up from this tiny baby to this amazing, curious, intelligent child who has just started primary school. Now having only one sibling with a 14 year age gap has made me realise a few things how childish I really am, how disgusted a lot of people are at the thought of teen pregnancy when they mistake him to be mine, yes old lady i see your dirty looks, and finally how different it is to grow up now to how it was in the 90’s, when I grew up.

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This last point is obvious as times have changed but I thought I would have a look at the pros and cons at growing up then vs now.


The shows I have to put up now are awful. I don’t if it is just because I am too old or they have been getting worse put I honestly cannot sit through many more episodes of Peppa Pig, Ben and Holly and Big Barn Farm. He finally started watching Scooby Doo , which got me very excited as it is my personal favourite, however it has changed and not for the best. I was ready for the graphics to have changed and I admit the characters look a lot better however the story line is just ugh. They have included romantic relationships! Now we all know Fred and Daphne  had a little something going on although it was never really visually expressed but now they are full on dating with Fred getting jealous with other guys around her. Not only this but there is whole other drama as Velma was heartbroken after Shaggy chose Scooby over her! Just solve mysteries there is no need for this side order of drama! Not to mention when he gets older he has missed the golden era of the Disney Channel.


Kids nowadays are a lot more capable at technology and it is a lot more accessible to them. My brother had mastered the i-pod touch at the age of 2 and the computer at the age of 3, and my parents tablet at age 4, he is now able to play games on both without assistance. I however did not use a computer until the age of like 6 and that was only for 1 game of Wacky Racers and later at age 9 for the odd game of Sims. For Christmas last year he got the child’s version of a laptop, a camera and a tablet now these are all educational and he got other toys as well but at this age I was getting barbies and dress up outfits. Many children these days do have i-pads and tablets even mobile phones whilst personally I believe it is not needed they can be educational and they do help with their learning whilst being fun for them which is good. However when I see a 2 year old taking a selfie with Rory the Tiger at the photo ops I feel, even though it was quite funny, children and technology have mixed to much.

Health and Safety:

Health and Safety has grown to become very restricting which I think, although I understand the need for them, that it has taken the fun out of certain things for the kids. For Example you are no longer allowed to sit on Santas’ knee which I personally think spoils the occasion a bit however if it is needed it is needed. Rules and regulations get stricter as parents get angrier and are ready to sue at any moment that the poor kids are free to do less and less.

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So there we my quick round up on a few differences between the 90s and now for experiencing those first few years on earth. I believe I had it better although my brother does have a wider range of choices and opportunities in many areas so there he is lucky. I can not wait to see what other differences there are as he goes through school and nights out ad university, if he chooses too and I feel so lucky to watch him and help him as he goes through life.